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I just realized that the best thing about life is that we don't know how it's gonna turn out. Being surprised is all we have to hold our interest. And, as far as I can tell, your life ends when you start trying to control your fate. I don't want to know how every move I make affects my future. I'm just gonna do what I think is right and hope everything turns out for the best.

Eric Duckman

"The Once and Future Duck" is the twelfth episode of Season 3, and the thirty-fourth episode of Duckman: Private Dick/Family Man overall. This episode aired on April 13, 1996.


Fearing being replaced as a father figure, Duckman promises to attend Charles and Mambo's recital. Meanwhile, Ajax claims to have ripped open a hole in time-and-space. Later that night, Duckman encounters his future-self, who is filthy rich because he attended the recital. Duckman tries to use this situation to his advantage, but finds his future radically altered by even the slightest action.



Character Appearances[]


  • Duckman also missed a tuba recital of the twins' in "American Dicks" and The Mob Frog Saga Issue 2, as well as their birthday in "A Room With a Bellevue".
  • This episode states that Duckman and Beatrice's wedding was 18 years ago, however in "The Girls of Route Canal", she was already pregnant with Ajax—who is only 15—before they got married.
  • One of the girls in Charles and Mambo's recital was the flower girl at Bernice's wedding to Baron von Dillweed.


  • Rhonda Shear makes an appearance as herself, wanting to sleep with Duckman. She is best known as a Miss America contestant and Playboy Magazine model. She also appeared as a host in the USA Network's USA Up All Night.

Memorable Quote[]

Am I doing the right thing marrying Beatrice? Do we grow old together?

... You're gonna love her 'til the day you die.

Eric Duckman speaking to his past self.
